
What we need in Star Wars Episode VIII

This is the post excerpt.


So I have some Ideas for Star Wars Episode VIII and here they are

  1. No More Hand getting chomped off

We already had Luke and Anakin loose their hand and we don’t need for Rey to suffer the same fate. Like Origin stories in superhero movies its already been done.

      2.  Boba Fett

We all know he survives the sarlacc pit and should appear in the movie eventually. People would want to see him again.

       3.  More Luke Skywalker

While Luke did appear in episode 7, he only appeared in the end. Having Luke Skywalker as Rey’s mentor would be pretty cool.

4. Kylo Ren inneraction with Leia

We know Leia is Kylo Ren’s mother, and it would be very interesting to see her try to redeem her son just like Han did before he got stabbed but on hologram.

Boba Fett’s introduction in Star Wars: Rebels

So I am trying to think of how Boba Fett could be in Star Wars: Rebels and I came up with a Special Episode called Rebel Bountys, I thought of the Storyline to be that Darth Vader hires him to hunt down the Rebels and that they are in for the fight of their lives.

Star Wars: Clone Wars (Live Action Film)

I know a lot of people didn’t like the Star Wars Prequels, but I thought what would a live action Clone Wars film be like. I am trying to think of a good live action Ahsoka Tano but I thought of some Clone Trooper types and here they are

Classic Clone Trooper


Blackout Trooper (what Shadow Troopers are formed from)


and last but not least

the ARF Trooper


Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic III: The Rise of Darth Plaguies

So I thought of the third Star Wars KOTOR game which would conclude the series and I called it The Rise of Darth Plaguies (TRODP) but only its not Plaguies that rises its Sidious the future Emperor and it shows the origins of the prequel Star Wars Characters. Also the Mandalorians would be in the armor we know and love.

The List of the Prequel Characters that will appear

1. Yoda


2. Mace Windu


3. Shaak Ti


4. Qui-Gon Jinn


5. Count Douku


6. Luminara Unduli


7. Jango Fett


8. Grievous


9. Darth Maul


10. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Light side ending)


Boba Fett Sarlacc Escape (canon)

So I thought I could think up of how Boba escapes the Sarlacc in the new canon timeline and I’m thinking maybe this time he kills the sarlacc

Storyline: Boba is unconscious but then wakes up and sees alot of darkness and stomach. he then cuts down the tentacles inside the belly and then lands on something squishy and he finds the heart of the sarlacc and then pulls it out and then blasts the inside of the beast and kills it permanently and then climbs out and lays down for 10 seconds then wakes up and sees Jabba’s destroyed sail barge then goes after Han Solo